
Pont des Arts

295 vietiniai gyventojai rekomenduoja,

Vietinių gyventojų patarimai

March 22, 2017
A perfect place to see Paris
June 17, 2016
The Pont des Arts ( Arts or gateway ) is a bridge crossing the Seine in central Paris . It connects Malaquais Conti and docks at the Institut de France, in the 6th district , the François- Mitterrand and Louvre docks at the courtyard of the Louvre Palace (which was called " Palace of Arts " under First Empire ) , in the 1st district . Le pont des Arts (ou la passerelle des Arts) est un pont traversant la Seine au centre de Paris. Il relie les quais Malaquais et Conti au niveau de l'Institut de France, dans le 6e arrondissement, aux quais François-Mitterrand et du Louvre au niveau de la cour carrée du palais du Louvre (qui s'appelait « palais des Arts » sous le Premier Empire), dans le 1er arrondissement.
The Pont des Arts ( Arts or gateway ) is a bridge crossing the Seine in central Paris . It connects Malaquais Conti and docks at the Institut de France, in the 6th district , the François- Mitterrand and Louvre docks at the courtyard of the Louvre Palace (which was called " Palace of Arts " under Fi…
April 20, 2016
Bridge of Love! Until last year, locals and tourists stared a padlock on the bridge to conceal their love. For safety reasons, the city banned the gesture, although romantic and beautiful.
October 22, 2015
The former bridge known to be the lock bridge.
July 6, 2015
A bridge for all the lovers

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Vietiniai taip pat rekomenduoja

Pont des Arts
Paris, IDF