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I was seven years old when I first discovered this grand art museum and the happiness that comes from studying works from another time. I’m still fascinated by the efforts and sacrifices made by those who collect and preserve over 35,000 works of art—all from different eras that retrace our history! For the sculptural highlights, I suggest beginning in the Caryatides room, which will lead you directly to the Venus de Milo and the Winged Victory of Samothrace, two world-famous treasures.
Gyvenamoji vieta: Paris

Vietinių gyventojų patarimai

September 2, 2022
The Louvre, or the Louvre Museum, is the world's most-visited museum, and a historic landmark in Paris, France. It is the home of some of the best-known works of art, including the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo.
August 29, 2022
One of the most famous museum of the world. You will be able to see Mona Lisa, or La Venus de Milo. To access it with subway, take line 7 at Kremlin Bicêtre station, direction "La Courneuve". Stop at "Palais Royal Musée du Louvres" The museum is right above the station :) If you have the time and the weather is nice, you can have a walk on the Tuileries Garden which are very beautiful.
One of the most famous museum of the world. You will be able to see Mona Lisa, or La Venus de Milo. To access it with subway, take line 7 at Kremlin Bicêtre station, direction "La Courneuve". Stop at "Palais Royal Musée du Louvres" The museum is right above the station :) If you have the time and…
July 28, 2022
There are plenty of good reasons to visit the Louvre! So many works of art to discover in this fabulous museum that used to be a palace!
May 31, 2022
Obvious but hey you gotta go once in your life, less than 10 min subway ride from the apt.
Heritier Abraham
April 19, 2022
The best museum in the world

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